Blueberry Fruit Extract (Vaccinium angustifolium)

Blueberries contain powerful life-extending polyphenols, [Links/Blueberry polyphenols] and SIRT1-activating caloric restriction mimetic and telomerase inhibitor resveratrol, in addition to the resveratrol-related pterostilbene. [25a]. Blueberry polyphenols are anticancer [Links] and counteract metabolic syndrome [Links] and diabetes. Note that metabolic syndrome patients are more prone to suffer from a wide range of cancers, especially colorectal cancer. According a recent article, blueberries
(1) inhibit angiogenesis [Index] creating new tumor blood vessels,
(2) impede tumor cancer cell metastasis (spreading),
(3) stimulate cancer cell differentiation into less malignant forms.
See Matilde Parente, MD, Can Blueberry Extracts Halt Metabolic Syndrome?, Life Extension Magazine, March 2011. "Blueberries... boost insulin sensitivity, lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and improve leptin sensitivity," which reduces appetite and body weight. See also Stull AJ, Cash KC, Johnson WD, Champagne CM, Cefalu WT (2010), Bioactives in blueberries improve insulin sensitivity in obese, insulin-resistant men and women, Journal of Nutrition 2010 Oct;140(10):1764-8. Basu A, Du M, Leyva MJ, et al. (2010), Blueberries decrease cardiovascular risk factors in obese men and women with metabolic syndrome, Journal of Nutrition 2010 Sept;140(9):1582-7.