L-TAURINE – is an important but non-essential amino acid if longevity is your goal. Research has found that the longest living Japanese residents on the island of Okinawa have the highest intakes of L-Taurine. It has its greatest impact on strengthening the cardiovascular system (lowers blood pressure), improving insulin sensitivity (prevents fatty liver), and optimizing the immune system and the nervous system (helps treat seizures and reverses tinnitus).
L-Taurine also helps fight obesity – mostly through its ability to improve insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. Additionally, it reduces the complications of diabetes (heart disease, kidney damage, diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy). One of the best ways to improve exercise performance is to take an L-Taurine supplement beforehand because it helps muscles work harder and longer without injury.
L-Taurine is also crucial for eye health because of its ability to prevent retinal damage and macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness. And it has an especially important role to play in prevention of diabetic retinopathy.
And tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is another nuisance health problem that could be helped by supplemental L-Taurine. (Recommended dosage: 500 – 1000 mg daily)