
1. Anti-fatigue agent
2. Anti-tumor and cancer preventative (multiple means of cancer prevention are cited)
3. Anti-aging elixir
4. Anti-oxidant agent
5. Hypotensive (lowers blood pressure)
6. Hypoglycemic (lowers bood sugar levels having an anti diabetic effect)
7. Immunostimulant (multiple catagories cited)
8. Antilipidemic – lowers blood fat levels
9. Anti-obesity – promotes weight loss
10. Antherosclerotic – prevents hardening of arteries
11. Cardioprotective
12. Antiviral
13. Antibiotic – modulates and prevents bacterial infections)
14. Anti-depressent
15. Anxyolytic – anti-anxiety effect
16. Anti-Alzheimerian – helps prevent dementia
17. Anti-arthritic
18. Antiperidontic – prevents gum disease
19. Antistenoporosis – helps prevent loss of bone mass
20. Antiallergenic – helps prevent allergic reactions
21. Antiseborric – prevents dandruff
22. Anticalculictic – helps prevent kidney stones
23. Antipyrectic – lowers fever
24. Anti-Parkinsons
25. Antidiahrreal
26. Antineuralgic – reduces nerve pain
27. Antivertigo – reduces dizziness
28. Antiglaucomic
29. Anticataract